Debbie Urbanski
Writer and Reader
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Debbie Urbanski
After World
The Joy of List Making Part 2: The Throwback Special
List Making Part 1: the joy of post-its
Louise Erdrich, LaRose, Hearts
A mysterious & lovely package from a Sun reader
Tooth Pain & Loving Shirley Jackson
There is the possibility these two things are related
Bluets & creative non-fiction
Writing non-fiction + what we can learn from our kids’ photos
Rovers on Mars
Uprooted and a really cool surprising love scene
A few reasons why Louise Edrich and LaRose are amazing
Secret anti-plot hidden messages
and two publications
Emotional truth versus realism
A Poem from The Crossover
Two publications and a great book without words
Penny, The Sun, and The Only Child
Random Thoughts I’ll Compile Here Since I Haven’t Posted Anything For Months
Children Writing Books
Family Art
Hillerbrand+Magsamen, Clifford Ross, and a few other gems from the summer
Capturing One’s Children in Art
Andrew Solomon + expanding our ideas of pregnancy & motherhood
Portals & poetry
Latest book obsession: autism
An Incomplete Autism Reading List
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